There are many misconceptions floating around out there regarding hypnosis. And sadly these fallacies are actually keeping people from transforming their lives with hypnosis.
I’m sure you’ve heard at least 1 or 2 of them and maybe they’ve even planted a seed of doubt in your mind as to whether hypnosis is real or not.

But before you go writing hypnosis off as a bad thing, or not for you, take a look at these 5 myths and open your mind to the possibilities.
Before we dive into the most common myths surrounding hypnosis I want to address the elephant in the room; is hypnosis real? Emphatically YES it’s real and it has helped millions (yes millions) of people change their lives for the better!
Okay, now that that’s out of the way let’s get down to the nitty gritty and debunk these myths once and for all!
5 Hypnosis Myths
1. Hypnosis is a form of mind control.
Fact: The truth is, a hypnotist can’t make you do, say, or think anything you aren’t open to…period! Especially anything that goes against your core beliefs. Your mind simply hears suggestions when you are in a deeply relaxed state (those suggestions are heard by your unconscious mind) but you have complete control over which suggestions you accept.

2.Hypnosis is only for making people do crazy, silly, or embarrassing things like clucking like a chicken.
Fact: This is stage hypnotism (which is great for entertainment,) but the truth is that these people volunteered to be a part of the act and are open to those suggestions or filled out a hypnotic suggestibility test before the show and were hand picked by the hypnotist (but again were open to being a part of the act.)
The difference between hypnotherapy and stage hypnotism is that one is designed to help people make positive changes in their lives and one is strictly for entertainment.
3. If I become hypnotized, I may not be able to come out of it or I may be totally helpless.
Fact: Hypnosis is very safe and there is no risk of being helpless or trapped inside of a hypnosis session (although that might make for a good movie ?.) In fact, a person can come out of a hypnotic state by opening their eyes, stretching, or speaking and rest assured; your fight or flight response is totally intact under hypnosis.

4. I have never been hypnotized and I don’t think I can be.
Fact: Everyone naturally enters a state of hypnosis at least 2 times a day; upon waking in the morning and just before falling asleep at night. Most people also enter a state of hypnosis at the movies, watching t.v., reading a good book, or even while driving. During all of these activities you go into an alpha brain-wave state, which is considered a light trance.
5. You have to be face to face with a hypnotherapist in order to receive any benefits.
Fact: Quality hypnosis audio sessions, recorded by a trained hypnotherapist, can be just as beneficial as an office-based session. In many cases, recorded hypnosis audios can work even faster due to the fact that you’re more comfortable in your own environment making it easier to relax and access the hypnotic state.

Hopefully, your mind is eased and you can now see that these 5 myths are just that; myths. So, why not give it a go and see what positive changes hypnosis can make in your life? Hypnotherapy can deal with a VAST number of issues including:
And these just touch the tip of the iceberg! It’s truly mind boggling the changes you can make in your life with this powerful yet gentle tool!
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