Using hypnosis for weight loss can be an invaluable tool when it comes to ramping up your weight loss efforts and in order to create astounding changes in your life.
Let’s face it, losing weight is not only challenging, but it can be extremely frustrating. Once you start thinking about “dieting”, it’s ALL you can think about. And then because it’s all you think about, all you want to do is eat and eat things that probably aren’t very good for you.
Implementing a hypnosis for weight loss audio into your daily routine allows you to make changes without consciously thinking about them.

Hypnosis is a discipline that gives you the ability to communicate with the subconscious mind and circumnavigate the conscious (and sometimes detrimental) mind. The subconscious mind is a fascinating and incredibly powerful part of your mind. It allows you to do things on autopilot, such as driving, walking, riding a bike, and so on.
Now imagine simplifying the struggle to lose weight by using hypnosis and planting suggestions in the subconscious mind so that you automatically make healthy choices. Listening to hypnosis audios is an incredibly effective and simple way to easily and inexpensively plant healthy lifestyle choices into your mind.
Research has shown that using hypnosis to lose weight is one of the best ways to reach the untapped potential locked deep inside the subconscious mind. Once something has been programmed into the subconscious mind you no longer have to consciously think about each step of the process. It becomes a natural part of who you are.
There are 3 prominent studies that clearly demonstrate how hypnosis is effective for people who want to lose weight and keep it off.
Study One:
Bolocofsky, David N.: Spinler, Dwayne; Coulthard-Morris. Linda (1985). “Effectiveness of hypnosis as an adjunct to behavioral weight management.” Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41 (1), 35-41.
The first study, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, divided 109 people aged 17-67 into two groups for a 9-week study. The individuals in the first group implemented healthy changes in their diet and exercise habits without the addition of hypnosis.
While the participants in the second group implemented the exact same diet and exercise alterations but were also provided hypnosis for reinforcement.
After 9 weeks both groups lost weight due to the changes in diet and exercise while under supervision.
However, after the 8-month and 2-year follow-ups researchers found a significant difference between the two test groups:
1. The group that did not have hypnosis did not lose any more weight, and, in fact, most gained most of their weight back.
2. The hypnosis group, however, continued to lose weight during both intervals, and the studies showed that far more people in the hypnosis group met their long-term weight-loss goals.
The hypnosis group continued the diet and exercise habits learned in the experiment, while the non-hypnosis group did not due to the fact that the hypnosis group had reprogrammed their subconscious minds to embrace eating healthier as well as exercising.
Study Two:
Cochrane, Gordon: Friesen, J. (1986). “Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492.
This study, published in the “Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,” investigated the effects of hypnosis in weight loss for 60 females at least 20% overweight and not involved in other treatment. The researchers interviewed each participant regarding their family background, educational background, and their belief as to their hypnotizability.
The group was split into two groups; a hypnosis and non-hypnosis groups with both groups being given weight-loss behavioral treatments and counseling.
The group using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds at the 6-month follow up. While the group that did not receive hypnosis only lost 1/2 pound.
They also found that “hypnotizability” and social and educational backgrounds had nothing to do with the results.

Study Three:
Kirsch, Irving (1996). “Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments”—another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519.
In this meta-analysis, (which is when researchers correlate the results of multiple studies), the results of the two studies I just mentioned and other studies were confirmed.
This particular study revealed that when studying two groups, one using hypnosis for weight loss versus one group using no hypnosis, the average short-term weight loss for the group that didn’t use hypnosis was 6 pounds while for the group that used hypnosis their average weight loss was 11.83 pounds.
Impressively, over the long term, the average weight loss without hypnosis remained at about 6 pounds, but with hypnosis it jumped to 14.88 pounds, indicating that the effects of hypnosis continue over time.
The research indicates that participants in these studies were losing anywhere from 2 to over 16 1/2 times more weight under hypnosis than when not using this therapy making it a viable option when attempting to lose weight.

Using Hypnosis to Lose Weight
By using hypnosis to lose weight you can reprogram your mind to exchange poor habits for healthy ones, increase your determination to exercise, and make these changes part of your lifestyle rather than a fleeting trend.
Using hypnosis to help you with your weight loss journey may be the key to your success. By incorporating this powerful tool into your weight loss arsenal you can re-program your eating habits and put your new healthy lifestyle on autopilot. In fact, you can begin implementing hypnosis audios into your weight loss plan immediately and begin making life-changing healthy habits a permanent part of your life starting today!
Click here to learn more about starting your own weight loss journey with hypnosis!
What have you got to lose?!!! Oh, yeah…weight ?